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It is impossible to move forward without the demands of journalists - Cm in AOJ 2nd stste conference

  Agartala, Correspondent:  Dr. Cm Manik Saha Assembly of Journalists AOJ in the second state conference. Manik Saha said freedom of press i...

 Agartala, Correspondent: Dr. Cm Manik Saha Assembly of Journalists AOJ in the second state conference. Manik Saha said freedom of press is necessary to strengthen the democratic system. The state government believes in the freedom of journalists and media. The government tolerates any kind of attack on journalists and media. won't do The state government will always take strict action in this regard. 

The Chief Minister was inaugurating the second state conference of the Assembly of Journalists at Muktadhara Auditorium on Saturday. The chief minister also said that the media should always be responsible. must be Only then will it be possible to move the king forward. Besides, the media should work with a positive attitude to reach the developmental information of the government to the last person of the society. The Chief Minister said, it is never possible to move forward without demanding the media. Freedom of the press is essential to strengthen the democratic system. 

The chief minister said on the occasion that it is easier for the government to work if the media reports informative news. It is one of the responsibility of the media to serve with a positive view if there is any mistake of the government. The state government is also sincere in solving the problems of media and journalists. The state government has proved it not only by words but also by deeds. The chief minister said that the journalists of the state are not less than the journalists of any state in the country.

 Many journalists in the state are international has earned a reputation at a level which is surely a matter of pride for the news world of the state. In order to increase the quality of journalists in the state, training is also being organized at various times through the Department of Information and Culture. 

The Chief Minister said that those media outlets that deliver news with excellence are long lasting. So in today's technology era everyone including journalists needs to be up to date. On the occasion, General Secretary of Assembly of Journalists, Shanit Devarai said that the media has a great responsibility towards the society. So journalists are continuing their daily work even with various grievances. He drew the Chief Minister's attention to keeping the weekly newspapers and little magazines of the state alive through the Department of Information and Culture. In the event, Vice President of the Assembly of Journalists and senior journalist Shekhar Dutta said that the news world of the state is mainly dependent on government advertisements. So the state government needs to take more serious initiative in providing advertisement as per rules. 

Besides, the sincere initiative taken by the state government to increase the quality of journalists in the state should continue. It should be noted that the editor of the Assembly of Journalists Vishvendu Bhattacharya gave a welcome address in this event. The general secretary of the largest organization of media, journalists and newspaper workers in the state, Shanit Debrai, also said that the media has a great responsibility towards the society. So journalists are continuing their daily work even with complaints of lack. On the occasion, the vice president of the Assembly of Journalists, journalist Shekhar Dutta said that the media of the state is mainly dependent on government advertisements. Therefore, he demanded that the state government take more serious initiatives in providing advertisements as per the rules and regulations. On this day, 177 journalists, editors, media workers and newspaper hawkers from all the divisions of the state participated in this convention and discussed various issuesA 13-member steering committee has been created by convening journalist Sujit Dey to form the full-fledged steering committee of the Assembly of Journalists from the convention