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After All, Why Do Alcoholics Start Speaking English As Soon As They Drink Alcohol? Reason Revealed In Research

  Drinking alcohol is injurious to health. But even after this, people do not deter from being intoxicated by alcohol. People's ability ...


Drinking alcohol is injurious to health. But even after this, people do not deter from being intoxicated by alcohol. People's ability to think and understand decreases after drinking alcohol. At the same time, the understanding of right and wrong also decreases. Even after this, the consumption of alcohol is very high. Where after drinking alcohol, the alcoholic is not aware of what he is saying or doing, but as soon as he opens his tongue, English and Alcohol starts coming out of his mouth. Yes, it has often been seen that people start speaking English after drinking alcohol. But what is the reason for this?

If you thought to date that after drinking alcohol, you are in the habit of speaking English, then let us tell you that you are wrong. There is a special reason for speaking English while intoxicated. This reason was revealed in research done by experts. The special reason for this was given in the science magazine 'Journal of Psychopharmacology'. This reason has come to the fore after examining the mental condition of many alcoholics.

a little wine is a boon

Research has revealed that when a person drinks a little alcohol, then that intoxication helps him to speak another language. That is, if you speak Hindi, then a little alcohol will help you speak English. Drinking alcohol, there is an effect on a person's ability to think. In such a situation, a person also wanders from his memory and attention. But it is also a fact that after drinking alcohol, the hesitation from inside the person ends and he starts doing any work indiscriminately. Because of this, the person who is ashamed of speaking English starts speaking English in a drunken guise.

Helps in speaking a foreign language

It is not that alcohol only helps in speaking English. Actually, a person becomes very comfortable while speaking his mother tongue. Even if he knows another language, he does not hesitate to speak it. As we mentioned earlier, alcohol eliminates the hesitation inside a person. In such a situation, the other language that a person knows, he starts speaking it indiscriminately. So now you understand why a few sips of wine helps a person to speak another language?