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5 Futuristic Predictions for Artificial Intelligence: How Will AI Change Our Lives?

  5 Futuristic Predictions for Artificial Intelligence: How Will AI Change Our Lives? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the next big thing. It...


5 Futuristic Predictions for Artificial Intelligence: How Will AI Change Our Lives?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the next big thing. It’s already revolutionizing industries and improving the way we work. And it’s only going to get better from here on out. AI will soon permeate every aspect of our lives, as machines become more intelligent and start doing tasks that humans can’t do yet. We may not be worthy of being called human anymore if we continue making these stupid decisions. Here are some predictions for how artificial intelligence will change our lives in the future.

AI will make driving safer

So you’ve been driving for awhile now and you start to notice that you’re a bad driver. You get into accidents because you don’t know how to react in certain situations. You get distracted when you’re on the road. In the near future, artificial intelligence will be able to see that you’re a bad driver. It will learn from your mistakes and become better at spotting your flaws. It will be able to make driving safer for everyone. Artificial intelligence will also be able to see when you’re tired or sick. It will know when you’ve had enough time to rest and will adjust your schedule accordingly. It will also be able to see if you have certain medical conditions and adjust your route to ensure that you don’t get injured while driving.

AI will make banking easier

Banking is already a pain in the ass. Most banks don’t even have very convenient hours. Artificial intelligence will make it even easier. AI will be able to connect with your bank and know exactly what you want to do. It will track your finances and know when you have a payment coming up so that it can alert you when it’s time to pay that bill. It will know exactly what you own so that it can make sure everything is paid off. It will know what bills need to be paid so that you don’t have to worry about paying them. It will make it so that you don’t have to go to the bank again. And it will also make it so that you can pay your bills on your phone.

AI will revolutionize healthcare

Artificial intelligence will be able to scan your body and image what’s wrong with you. It will know what your symptoms are and be able to connect them to a certain illness. It will know that you’re prone to getting certain injuries, so it will be able to advise you to take precautions so that you don’t get hurt. It will also be able to scan your brain and computers will be able to read your thoughts and send commands to your body. This will revolutionize healthcare by making doctors obsolete. Instead of you having to go to the doctor and wait around for them to figure out what’s wrong with you, artificial intelligence will be able to tell your doctor what’s wrong with you without you even knowing.

AI will teach children better

Artificial intelligence will be able to pull data from thousands of children’s books and essays and combine it all into one learning tool. AI will also be able to recognize patterns in students’ writing and be able to correct them to make sure that their writing improves over time. AI will also be able to recognize learning styles and be able to adjust the way that it teaches so that it accommodates all learning styles. All of this will make AI great at teaching kids.

AI will help the disabled get jobs

Artificial intelligence will be able to read job postings and find matching candidates. AI will know exactly what jobs are available and be able to search for job postings and find candidates to apply for the positions. AI will be able to scan resumes and be able to read between the lines to identify the skills that a candidate has and be able to flag them as potentially having those skills. AI will be able to search online for jobs and find the best job boards. AI will be able to analyze candidates’ resumes and find the best ones. AI will be able to recommend salaries and benefits. And it will also be able to decide who gets hired and who doesn’t.

AI will wipe out jobs completely

Artificial intelligence will be able to analyze your social media posts and decide which ones you should delete. It will be able to analyze your speech patterns and decide which friends you should unfriend. AI will also be able to analyze your emails and decide which ones you should delete. All of this will make AI great at wiping out jobs completely. AI will be able to analyze your social media posts and delete old posts that are no longer relevant. AI will be able to analyze your emails and delete emails that you definitely don’t want people to read. And AI will be able to analyze your speech patterns and decide which friends you should unfollow. AI will also be able to analyze your social media posts and decide which ones you should delete. All of this will make AI great at wiping out jobs completely.


Artificial intelligence is coming. It’s currently making huge strides in many industries, but it’s not quite there yet. But it will be soon. And when it does, it will change our lives forever. AI will make driving safer, it will make banking easier, it will revolutionize healthcare, it will teach children better, it will help the disabled get jobs, it will wipe out jobs completely, and it will revolutionize our society. It will make our lives better, safer, easier, and more efficient. It will allow us to do things a lot faster. It will allow us to do things that we couldn’t do before. It will make us more efficient and effective with the time that we have. It will make us smarter. It will make us better judges of character. It will make us better at reading situations and making better decisions. It will make us better drivers. It will make us better bankers. It will make us better investors. It will make us better people. And that’s the amazing thing about artificial intelligence. It can make us better people.