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Good News To Mothers.. That Facility Created By Northern Railways

 Northern Railway arranged foldable baby birth for the convenience of mothers Officers from the Northern Railway Division introduced foldabl...

 Northern Railway arranged foldable baby birth for the convenience of mothers

Officers from the Northern Railway Division introduced foldable baby berths in bogies. Together with the engineers they made some changes in the lower berth and designed the baby berth. It was made so that the children would not fall down from the seat while sleeping. This facility was first made available in the Lucknow Mail. Lucknow Mail shared these newly launched baby birth photos on Twitter. Happy Mother's Day .. Mothers have introduced a baby berth to travel comfortably with their children and the arranged baby seat will be folded, he said on Twitter.

Until now new facilities have been made available on trains. But no special arrangements were made for mothers traveling with sick children. For the first time in years, Narner Railway engineers came up with the Baby Birth concept. If good results come here .. there is a possibility of gradually expanding into other trains and other divisions.

Definitely It is a good news to the mothers, who wants to travel in trains with their infants and babies.